About Us

The Asheville Wisdom Exchange was founded by Luanne Allgood, Robert Akers, Jan Love Akers, Stanley Wetschler, M.D., and Jayne Wetschler, with the intent to provide an opportunity for the exploration of new and old ideas, to expand the role of compassion, and to broaden our connection to one another. With the recent addition of Kevin Anderson to the governing body, we represent a community from diverse backgrounds and traditions who believe in the pursuit of knowledge, our connection to each other, and loving service to humanity.

Love is our path. Understanding is our goal.

Core Values

  • We honor the universal truth found in all faiths and traditions. There are many names, many forms, but only one source. 

  • No one has a monopoly on truth; we honor the wisdom found in all faiths and traditions.

  • Everyone can benefit from an open-minded exchange of wisdom when it is done in a non-confrontational and respectful manner.

  • Oneness is not sameness but a union of love embracing diversity and unique expression.

  • Love is the truest wisdom; when anger enters the soul, wisdom departs.

  • We are not a political platform.

If you would like to become a sponsor, please contact us.


Luanne Allgood


Luanne Allgood is a non-denominational minister.  She has been featured on the NBC Nightly National News “Making A Difference” segment, in USA Today, and has received a Leave a Legacy award for her dedicated and creative work with the homeless and other disenfranchised people.  She is known for inspiring and motivating others to live happier and more productive lives.  

She teaches in Paul Ferrini’s international virtual community.  Paul is a renowned spiritual teacher and bestselling author of “Love Without Conditions."  Currently, Luanne is enrolled in a three-year program with Mark Nepo who has authored 12 books and is best known for his  New York Times #1 bestseller, “The Book of Awakening.”

She has participated in spiritual retreats at Findhorn and with: Paul Ferrini, Adyashanti, Pema Chödrön, Jack Kornfield and Mark Nepo.


Robert Akers


Robert Akers is a writer, minister, and inspirational speaker. A published author of two novels, 12 Minutes and Final Future: the Ancients Return, Robert is also a songwriter and musician and has acted in over 30 plays and movies earlier in his career. He began his search for truth in childhood and was fortunate to have had many great spiritual mentors during his life. Robert believes that we are all students and teachers sharing experiences on this spiritual journey together. His talks are collaborative and celebrate the joyful, insightful, and compassionate nature of Spirit within us all.