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A New Relationship With Death: from Grief 2 Growth with Brian Smith

  • Asheville, NC USA (map)

Brian will discuss how he went from a life of fear of death which kept him paralyzed, to embracing all life has to offer including death. Brian will discuss a new relationship with death from a spiritual, philosophical, and scientific standpoint and how embracing this new view makes life more meaningful and easier to live.

As a young man, Brian suffered from an intense fear of death. When his daughter unexpectedly passed at age 15, he was devastated. But after receiving visions and messages from her after her death, he immersed himself in researching the afterlife from both a scientific and philosophical approach. This spiritual quest has resulted in his becoming a sought out public speaker and his writing the book Grief 2 Growth; Planted. Not Buried.

September 6

Energetic/Astrological Forecast for September-December 2023 with Chuck Pisa, BS, LMBT, LMT, CPEH

October 4

Spiritual Resilience: Overcoming Challenges in Difficult Times with Millie America