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How to Find Lasting Peace in an Ever-Changing World with Ananta Nathanson

  • Asheville, NC USA (map)

Ananta's sadhana began in 1976 when he met Baba Muktananda. Subsequently, he spent many years with Baba and Gurumayi in their ashrams until meeting Ramesh Balsekar with whom he had a very close and long association. Ananta likes to say that Ramesh finished the job Baba had started. In 1997, 21 years after it had started Ananta's sadhana ended. Not with fireworks, but with an overwhelming calm of having come to peace with himself. He learned early on not to speak of the enlightenment and kept it to himself for the most part for more than a decade.

One day at his puja, Ananta heard Baba say "You have been given a gift and it's time to pass it along". He has been talking ever since. Ananta speaks of non-duality (Advaita Vedanta) with a touch of Kashmir Shaivism. He says that this life is only a dream and the body/mind is a virtual reality machine. His core teaching is: At essence we are all the same and in this oneness we are without boundaries.

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